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Popular car in Mongolia
In Mongolia you can meet any kind of car while you are going on the streets of the city. Most popular family sedan is Toyota Prius. As Mongolian capital city has too much transports on the street that makes long lines of traffic jam so Prius is comfortable sedan that uses very little petrol and very economic for family using. Reach people like to have big size of cars such as Toyota Land Cruiser, Nissan Patrol, Range rover or Mercedes Benz G class.

The Best Car in Mongolia
But if you go out of the city and travel around in Mongolia, Russian van UAZ is very recommended to use as they are very cheap to rent, goes whenever you want and easy to fix. I would say all UAZ drivers are perfect mechanics so you can always rely on them in any situations on the way. UAZ is something unusual especially for travelers from Europe, USA or from any other most civilized countries. Design of UAZ is from the past Soviet Union. Now in Russia they still produce UAZ with no change on its outside look. They have made small changes on its engine only. This is not the car for pave road as it can drive only around 80-90km/h which is very slow. But for dirty roads they drive as Tank. They don’t afraid of dirt, mud, rivers and mountains. As Mongolia have bad roads UAZ have been the most popular Mongolian off-roads.